Lithuania's President Smetona's resting place ceremony

Ceremony of Declaration of Restoration
of Lithuania's Independence
at resting place of President Smetona
All Soul's Cemetery
February 10, 2018

On February 16, 2018, Lithuanians all over the world celebrate the birth of a new Lithuania. This date is like a bridge between the old Lithuania born on July 6, 1253 and the new independent Lithuania restored on March 11, 1990. Had it not been for February 16, there would have been no events of 11 of March, nor the subsequent success story.

The Centennial of the new Lithuania is a success story. The main achievements are as follows: Lithuania has become a player of the European and world history, with its modern civil society aware of the importance of freedom and the responsibility that goes with it, and with new emerging vistas for action for the Lithuanian state and its people.

On February 10, 2018 members of the Lithuanian community gathered for a beautiful and meaningful ceremony at All Souls Mausoleum honoring the Declaration of Restoration of Lithuania's Independence, and its signatories. Among the signers was President Antanas Smetona, who in 1919 became the first president of Lithuania and later returned to power as an authoritarian head of state for the last 13 years of his country’s independence. President Smetona died January 9, 1944 in Cleveland and is interned at All Souls with 6 other members of the Smetona family.

Thanks to Dr. Vik Stankus for these photos and report.

Ceremony at All Souls Mausoleum honoring the Declaration of Restoration of Lithuania's Independence

Group honoring the Declaration of Restoration of Lithuania's Independence
at All Souls Mausoleum with St Casimir Pastor Joseph Bacevice

Honoring President Smetona and Mrs. Smetona

Honoring President Smetona and Mrs. Smetona

Paying respect to the signers. Eugene Dicevicius, Dr. Vik Stankus, Ruta Degtutis, officers of the Cleveland Lithuanian Community and scouts.

Paying respect to the signers
Eugene Dicevicius, Dr. Vik Stankus, Ruta Degtutis,
officers of the Cleveland Lithuanian Community and scouts

Andris Jonas Dunduras , chief archivist of the Cleveland Lithuanian Archives, and Representative of Lithuania's V 16 Club (consisting of family and relatives of the signers of Feb 16 ) pays tribute to the V 16 signers

Andris Jonas Dunduras,
chief archivist of the Cleveland Lithuanian Archives
and Representative of Lithuania's V 16 Club


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