Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither

Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither (guzheng)
ClevelandPeople.Com International Pavilion
September 3, 2012

A highlight of the 2012 Ohio's Celtic and International Fest was the ClevelandPeople.Com International Pavilion. The ClevelandPeople.Com International Pavilion featured almost 20 different groups performing their culture's traditions in colorful native costumes.

This included a rousing performance by Demi Zhang and her mother Bing Xu. Enjoy these photos and video from their performance.

Debbie Hanson introduced Demi Zhang and Bing Xu

Debbie Hanson introduced Demi Zhang and Bing Xu

Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither (guzheng) and her mother Bing Xu sings the theme to what many call the Chinese version of Romeo and Juliet.

Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither (guzheng) and her mother Bing Xu sings

Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither (guzheng) and her mother Bing Xu sings

The theme to the Dream of the Red Mansion

Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither (guzheng) and her mother Bing Xu sings

Everlasting Friendship

Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither (guzheng) and her mother Bing Xu sings

Demi Zhang explained the 21 string Chinese zither called the guzheng and its pentatonic tuning and talks about some other traditional Chinese musical instruments after her performance.

Demi Zhang plays the 21 string Chinese zither (guzheng) and her mother Bing Xu sings

Bing Xu and Demi Zhang

Bing Xu and Demi Zhang

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