
Haitians in Cleveland

Flag of Haiti

Hola y Bienvenidaó

News and Upcoming Events for Haitians in Cleveland

  • Are you interested in doing business in Haiti?
  • Are you interested in taking a trip to Haiti?
  • Are you of Haitian heritage and living, working or visiting Cleveland or Northeast Ohio?

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Polish fighters defy Napoleon and help Haitians

Rev. Eric Orzech was the MC for the Polish Constitution Day program. He told a story about Polish Freedom Fighters who were sent to Haiti by Napoleon to squelch the Haitians. When the Polish found out that the Haitians were fighting for freedom they joined their forces and helped them. "Fighting for your freedom and ours."


Haitian community at 2023 One World Day

The Cleveland Haitian community demonstrated their proud heritage at One World Day in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. One World Day has been the official event of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation since 1946. Over 50,000 people visited the gardens on One World Day 2023.

The Haitian community participated in the Parade of Flags which had 1500 people from over 53 countries.

Watch the video of the Parade of Flags.

Haitian community at 2023 One World Day

Haitian community at 2023 One World Day Parade of Flags

Haitian community at 2023 One World Day Parade of Flags

Haitian community at 2023 One World Day Parade of Flags

Haitian community at 2023 One World Day Parade of Flags

See more of One World Day 2023.


Haitian community at 2022 One World Day

The Cleveland Haitian community demonstrated their proud heritage at One World Day in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. One World Day has been the official event of the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation since 1946. Over 40,000 people visited the gardens on One World Day 2022.

The Haitian community participated in the Parade of Flags.

Haiti at One World Day

Haiti at One World Day

Here is a video of the entire Parade of Flags.

See more of One World Day 2022.


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Fun with Maps - Haiti

Haiti is located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea, to the east of Cuba and Jamaica and south of The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands. It occupies the western three-eighths of the island which it shares with the Dominican Republic. Haiti has an estimated population of 11.4 million, making it the most populous country in the Caribbean. The people have suffered a lot. Since 1998, Haiti has been hit by ten hurricanes and other tropical storms, causing widespread loss of life and flooding with every landfall. Other natural disasters, such as the 2010 earthquake, have also resulted in massive amounts of death and property and infrastructure damage, especially in urban areas like Port-au-Prince, the capital.

They have a proud history as the first independent nation of Latin America and the Caribbean, the second republic in the Americas, the first country to abolish slavery, and the only state in history established by a successful slave revolt.

See more Fun with Maps episodes


Haitian community at One World Day

The Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation hosted the 74th annual One World Day on August 25, 2019. Police estimates say that over 30,000 people visited the Gardens and attended One World Day. Though the Haitian community does not yet have a Cultural Garden, the culture was well represented.

Haitian community on One World Day

Haitian community on One World Day

See more from the 2019 One World Day.

A highlight of One World Day is the Parade of Flags where people in costumes of their heritage carry the flags. This year was undoubtedly the largest and most colorful in memory.

Haitian community in the Parade of Flags

Haitian community in the Parade of Flags

Haitian community in the Parade of Flags

Video and pictures from the Parade of Flags at 2019 One World Day

Organizations and Resources for Haitians in Cleveland

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Business, Education and Employment Information

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Cleveland Haitian Feedback and Memories

Haiti History and Culture

Map of Haiti

The native Taino - who inhabited the island of Hispaniola when it was discovered by Christopher Colunbus in 1492 - were virtually annihilated by Spanish settlers within 25 years. In the early 17th century, the French established a presence on Hispaniola. In 1697, Spain ceded to the French the western third of the island, which later became Haiti.

The French colony, based on forestry and sugar-related industries, became one of the wealthiest in the Caribbean but only through the heavy importation of African slaves and considerable environmental degradation. In the late 18th century, Haiti's nearly half million slaves revolted under Toussaint L'OUVERTURE. After a prolonged struggle, Haiti became the first post-colonial black-led nation in the world, declaring its independence in 1804.

Currently the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Haiti has experienced political instability for most of its history. A massive magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti in January 2010 with an epicenter about 25 km (15 mi) west of the capital, Port-au-Prince. Estimates are that over 300,000 people were killed and some 1.5 million left homeless. The earthquake was assessed as the worst in this region over the last 200 years.

President Michel MARTELLY resigned in February 2016 and was replaced by Interim President Jocelerme PRIVERT who will lead until new elections take place later in the year.

(From the CIA World Factbook)

Map of Haiti

Tell us about the music, food, holidays, traditions, costumes, language and other qualities that makes people from Haiti so special.

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Profiles of Haitians in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio

If you know of a Cleveland Haitian who should be profiled,
please let us know.
ClevelandPeople.Com - Haitian Ambassadors

Read more about the Haitian and other Ambassadors. If you are interested in being considered to be an official Ambassador to the Cleveland Haitian community, please contact us.

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Murder in the Cultural Gardens
Whodunit Mystery
by Dan Hanson
set in the
Cleveland Cultural Gardens

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