Polish Constitution Day Program 2024

Polish Constitution Day Program
Ridge Road - Parma, Ohio
May 5, 2024

After the Polish Constitution Day Parade down Ridge Road in Parma, people gathered for food, music, cultural performances and a short program.

Here is a video of the program featuring MC Rev. Eric Orzech, a welcome by Event Chair Thomas Kacki, the Polish anthem led by Elizabeth Suhak, the US anthem led by Walter Borkowski, invocation from Rev. Jason Soltysiak, remarks from Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter, US Senator Sherrod Brown, Grand Marshal Ewa Wiechec, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, US Congressman Max Miller, a Benediction from Fr. Orzech and the singing of God Bless America and Sto lat led by Walter Borkowski.

Enjoy these other images from the 2024 Polish Constitution Day Program in Parma.

Rev. Eric Orzech and Grand Marshal Ewa Wiechec

Rev. Eric Orzech and Grand Marshal Ewa Wiechec

Event Chairman Thomas Kacki

Event Chairman Thomas Kacki

Elizabeth Suhak leading Polish national anthem

Elizabeth Suhak leading
Polish national anthem

Elizabeth Suhak leading Polish national anthem

Singing  Polish national anthem

Walter Borkowski leading US national anthem

Walter Borkowski leading
US national anthem

Singing US national anthem

Walter Borkowski leading US national anthem

Rev. Jason Soltysiak, Pastor, St Mary Polish National Catholic Church

Rev. Jason Soltysiak, Pastor,
St Mary Polish National Catholic Church

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter

US Senator Sherrod Brown

US Senator Sherrod Brown

Grand Marshal Ewa Wiechec

Grand Marshal Ewa Wiechec

Grand Marshal Ewa Wiechec

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich

US Congressman Max Miller

US Congressman Max Miller


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Polish Village in Parma

Father Eric Orzech group

Joseph Rutkowski

Joseph Rutkowski

John and Mrs. Niedzialek

John and April Niedzialek

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter

Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter

Polish Genealogical Society

Polish Genealogical Society

Bruce Kalinowski and Walter Borkowski

Bruce Kalinowski and Walter Borkowski

Thomas Kacki and family members

Thomas Kacki and family members

Elizabeth and Dennis Kucnincih, Fr. Orzech and Ewa Wiechec

Elizabeth and Dennis Kucinich,
Fr. Orzech and Ewa Wiechec

Festival group

Polish wife t-shirt

Polish Constitution Day Parade - Photos and Videos

Polish Constitution Day Entertainment - Page 3 - Photos & Videos

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