Carpatho-Rusyn Information Pedestals Dedication

Carpatho-Rusyn Information Pedestals Dedication
Tremont Cityside Ballroom - 2187 West 14th Street
October 15, 2022

In North America, Carpatho-Rusyn Day is celebrated on October 26.

Carpatho-Rusyn Day banner

On Sunday October 15, 2023 many from the Carpatho-Rusyn communities in Cleveland, Ohio, Pennsylvania and beyond gathered to celebrate and dedicate 4 information pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland. Because of rain the event was moved inside from the Cultural Garden to the Ballroom.

Barb Popovich, President of the Friends of the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden of Cleveland Inc., served as MC for the event.

Barb Popovich

Barb Popovich

Barb said that Bishop-Elect Robert Pipta had blessed the actual pedestals that morning. She called up John Righetti, founding president of the Carpatho-Rusyn Society, who led the singing of the Rusyn anthem Ja Rusyn Byl.

John Righetti

John Righetti

Ja Rusyn Byl was a poem written by Alexsander Duchnovic that became an anthem.

Barb then introduced board members Marcia Benko, Patti Poole, Fran Burik, Paul Burik, John Krenisky and Greg Smith.

Barb Popovich introduces the Rusyn Garden board

Carpatho-Rusyn Garden Board

Carpatho-Rusyn Garden Board

Paul Burik spoke about the Cleveland Cultural Gardens and introduced some of the representatives in attendance.

Paul Burik

Paul Burik

Fran Burik and Marcia Benko then surprised Barb Popovich with a gift and flowers.

Fran Burik and Marcia Benko

Fran Burik and Marcia Benko

Fran Burik presenting Barb Popovich

Fran Burik presenting Barb Popovich with gift

Ohio state representative Michael Skindell told of his partial Rusyn heritage and presented a proclamation.

Ohio Rep Michael Skindell

Ohio Rep Michael Skindell

Barb Popovich and Ohio Rep Michael Skindell

Barb Popovich and Ohio Rep Michael Skindell

Laurel Tombazzi presented other proclamations from Governor Mike DeWine and US Senator JD Vance.

Laurel Tombazzi and Barb Popovich

Laurel Tombazzi and Barb Popovich

Barb then praised the efforts of Diana Essock who was the Project Manager.

Diana Essock

Diana Essock

Watch the video of the above events.

Before the unveiling, Barb Popovich told about the 16 prominent people of Rusyn heritage who are honored on one of the pedestals. This included: Artists Andy Warhol, Steve Ditko, Bill Evans, James Warhola and Jerry Jumba. Inventors and Scientists Nicholas Holonyak and Mikulas Popovic. Writers Irena Nevicka nee Burik, Father Emil Kubek and Paul Robert Magocsi. And Patriots Father Alexander Duchnovich, Tom Ridge, John Righetti, Michael Strank, Gregory Zhatkovych, and Bishop Paul P. Gojdich.

While she spoke Jerry Jumba and some members of the audience added some interesting information. Watch this video to learn more about the impressive accomplishments of the 16.

Jerry Jumba

Jerry Jumba

Rusyn audience speaker

Finally some of the leaders unveiled the replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland.

leaders unveiled the replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland.

leaders unveiled the replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland.

leaders unveiled the replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland.

replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland

replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland

replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland

replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland

replicas of the 4 pedestals that are in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden in Cleveland

After dinner and socializing people enjoyed performances by Harmonia and the Living Traditions Folk Ensemble.



Tom Katrenich of Living Traditions (center) with friends

Tom Katrenich of Living Traditions (center) with friends

Here are some images of the information pedestals in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden from earlier in the year.

Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden

information pedestals in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden

information pedestals in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden

information pedestals in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden

information pedestals in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden

information pedestals in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden

information pedestals in the Carpatho-Rusyn Cultural Garden


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