Jesse Owens Way

Jesse Owens Way
Dedication 11-15-2010

The Nazi Olympics Berlin 1936, now showing at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in Beachwood, explores the issues surrounding the 1936 Games--the Nazis' use of propaganda, the intense boycott debate, the history of the torch run and the historic performance of Jesse Owens and more.

Jesse Owens Way street sign

On Monday, November 15, 2010 a ceremony was held to dedicate East Roadway (NE corner of Public Square) as Jesse Owens Way.

Already a track star for his accomplishments at Cleveland East Tech High School and the Ohio State University, the 1936 Olympics in Berlin made Jesse Owens a household name and a symbol who shattered Hitler's racist ideals.

The ceremony began with performances by drummers and cheerleaders from the Cleveland Metropolitan School District.

Cleveland school students at Jesse Owens event

Cleveland school cheerleaders at Jesse Owens event

Cleveland school student drummers at Jesse Owens event

Then a lit Olympic torch was passed from student to student down the street until it was handed to Gloria Hemphill Owens, the daughter of Jesse Owens.

Cleveland students in line for Olympic torch

The opening prayer was said by pastor Mark Giuliano of Old Stone Church.

pastor Mark Giuliano of Old Stone Church

Pastor Mark Giuliano of Old Stone Church

Judi Feniger, Director of the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, gave the welcome and introductions.

Judi Feniger, Director of the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage

Judi Feniger, Director of the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage

Then Museum founder Milton Maltz spoke.

Maltz Museum founder Milton Maltz

Milton Maltz

Cleveland Council representatives Phyllis Cleveland, Mamie Mitchell and Joe Cimperman addressed the crowd.

Cleveland City Council's Phyllis Cleveland

Cleveland City Council's Phyllis Cleveland

Cleveland City Council's Mamie Mitchell

Cleveland City Council's Mamie Mitchell

Cleveland City Council's Joe Cimperman

Cleveland City Council's Joe Cimperman

After being presented with a street sign honoring her father, Gloria Owens spoke.

Gloria Owens with street sign for her father Jesse Owens

Gloria Owens, daughter of Jesse Owens

Gloria Owens

The closing prayer was by Rabbi Richard Block of The Temple - Tifereth Israel.

Rabbi Richard Block of The Temple - Tifereth Israel

Rabbi Richard Block of The Temple - Tifereth Israel

Be sure to visit the The Nazi Olympics Berlin 1936 at the Maltz Museum.

Enjoy these photos from the special day.

Dr. Eugene Sanders and Harrison Dillard

Dr. Eugene Sanders and Harrison Dillard

Don't miss the profile of four-time Olympic Gold Medal Champion Harrison Dillard

East Tech track athletes

East Tech track athletes

James Gomez, Milton Maltz, Bob Gries, Rabbi Richard Block and  Laurie Hughes

James Gomez, Milton Maltz, Bob Gries,
Rabbi Richard Block and Laurie Hughes

Gloria Owens and Harrison Dillard

Gloria Owens and Harrison Dillard

Harrison Dillard, Mamie Mitchell, Gloria Owens, Mayor Frank Jackson, Phyllis Cleveland, Milton Maltz and Joe Cimperman

Harrison Dillard, Mamie Mitchell, Gloria Owens, Mayor Frank Jackson, Phyllis Cleveland, Milton Maltz and Joe Cimperman

Cleveland cheerleaders under Terminal Tower

Cleveland school cheerleaders

Gloria Owens, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Milton Maltz

Gloria Owens, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Milton Maltz

Gloria Owens under street sign honoring her father Jesse Owens

Gloria Owens under street sign honoring her father Jesse Owens

Jesse Owens' daughter Gloria with East Tech track athletes

Jesse Owens' daughter Gloria with East Tech track athletes

Gloria Owens, Harrison Dillard and East Tech athletes with Jesse Owens sign

Gloria Owens, Harrison Dillard and East Tech athletes

Bob Gries and Harrison Dillard

Bob Gries and Harrison Dillard

Jesse Owens Way street sign in Cleveland Ohio

Jesse Owens Way

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