Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue
Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

The statue of the Slovak hero was erected in 1922 and resided on an island at MLK Blvd and Jeptha in Cleveland. The statue was moved to its permanent home in the Slovak Cultural Garden.

Slovak Cultural Garden in Cleveland Ohio

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

Slovak Hero General Milan R. Stefanik statue in the Slovak Cultural Garden - Cleveland, Ohio

The statue joins the busts of Ján Kollár and Rev. Stefan Furdke in the Slovak Garden.

Ján Kollár bust in Slovak Garden in Cleveland

Ján Kollár

Rev. Stefan Furdke  bust in Slovak Garden in Cleveland

Rev. Stefan Furdke

More from the Slovak Cultural Garden

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