Republic of Macedonia Independence Day 2009

Republic of Macedonia Independence Day 2009
Flag Raising Ceremony at Cleveland City Hall
September 8, 2009

A crowd of Macedonian-Americans celebrated the Republic of Macedonia Independence Day with a flag raising ceremony at Cleveland City Hall on September 8, 2009.

The ceremony celebrated September 8, 1991 when over 95.5% of the citizens voted for independence of the Republic of Macedonia.

Thanks to our Macedonian Ambassador Andrea Andrioff Alusheff for providing these photos.

Master of Ceremonies Milka Simonoska, DJ Macedonian Radio Show, WCSB 89.3

Master of Ceremonies Milka Simonoska, DJ
Macedonian Radio Show, WCSB 89.3

US and Macedonian flags fly over Cleveland City Hall

US and Macedonian flags fly over Cleveland City Hall

Andrea Alusheff, President, Macedonian Patriotic Organization-Cleveland Vardar

Andrea Alusheff, President, Macedonian Patriotic Organization-Cleveland "Vardar"

A crowd of Macedonian-Americans celebrate the day!

A crowd of Macedonian-Americans celebrate the day!

City of Cleveland Mayoral Chief of Affairs Ms. Valarie McCall with Mrs. Danica Stojanovski

City of Cleveland Mayoral Chief of Affairs Ms. Valarie McCall
with Mrs. Danica Stojanovski

One of the newest Macedonian-Americans in the diaspora, Baby George

One of the newest Macedonian-Americans in the diaspora,
Baby George

US and Macedonian flags fly over Cleveland City Hall

US and Macedonian flags fly over Cleveland City Hall

Members of MPO Cleveland Vardar, as well as local Macedonian Orthodox Churches-St Kliment, Avon OH, and St Nikola, Greene, OH

Members of MPO Cleveland Vardar,
as well as local Macedonian Orthodox Churches
St Kliment, Avon OH, and St Nikola, Greene, OH

US and Macedonian flags fly over Cleveland City Hall

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