Cherry Tree Blossoms in Cleveland

Cherry Blossoms in Bloom
Gift to Cleveland from JANO
March 25, 2012

100 years ago (1912) three thousand cherry blossom trees were given to Washington DC as a gift of Tokyo, Japan.

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland

Almost everyone is familiar with the Cherry Blossom Festival held in Washington every year. Even if you have not attended the event, you have heard of or seen the trees beautiful exhibition.

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland

Thanks to the generosity of JANO, the Japanese Association of Northeast Ohio, you can experience their beauty right here.

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland - Japanese Association of Northeast Ohio

JANO has donated 130 cherry blossom trees to the City of Cleveland. They line Cleveland Metroparks' Brookside Reservation right off Ridge Road (near the Zoo).

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland

The gift from JANO was in appreciation to the American people for their friendship to Japanese people living in this area.

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland

A trip to Brookside Reservation to see the Cherry Blossoms in bloom is a must.

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland
But hurry. Winds and cooler weather may make the delicate blossoms drop.

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland

Cherry Blossoms in Cleveland

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